
Career opportunities seem nearly limitless and are constantly evolving. Many of today’s most rewarding professions and industries didn’t even exist a decade ago.


JWCC encourages students to explore their interests and find their paths…

  • Relevant introductory classes and 工作见习 begin freshman year to give students a realistic taste of careers they are considering.
  • Small classes mean students are engaged in discussions while building confidence and time management skills.
  • 教授可以回答问题, as well as sharing their personal experiences in the field of study.
  • Advisors introduce students to resources to help make informed decisions about short-term and long-term goals.
  • More than 70 associate degree and technical training programs help students discover the career path that best matches their talents, 的优势, 和利益.
  • 课外活动包括俱乐部, 组织, and beat365平台s enhance the learning experience in a safe environment. JWCC被评为美国第二安全的校园!*

* 2019年全国家庭安全和安保委员会

Families also appreciate JWCC’s affordability…save thousands of dollars compared to four-year colleges and universities.

让我们面对现实吧, 高等教育是一种投资, but it doesn’t have to break the bank or rack up excessive loans. JWCC是一个负担得起的选择,学生:

  • complete an associate degree at JWCC before transferring to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree.
  • enter the job market with in-demand skills directly after earning a JWCC applied associate degree or certificate.
比较年度估计费用. JWCC: $5440 tuition, $300 fees, $4784 grants, $1000 奖学金. Z学院:学费36346美元,助学金4784美元,奖学金12000美元.

*For 2022-2023 academic year in-district tuition, based on 32 hours or 16 credit hours per semester. 学费和学杂费 (in-district = $170/credit hour, online = $200/credit hour, out-of-district = $280/credit hour). 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. 学费更低,平均助学金和兼职奖学金, 全日制学生,2022-2023学年.

We strongly encourage parents to talk frankly with their children regarding the financial impact of college choices. Most students don’t think about the long-term burden of paying off college loans for 10-15+ years after graduation. 通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. Loans are only a tool to help pay what you owe, 不 to reduce 你的 tuition or total cost. Help 你的 student understand the actual comprehensive costs (including interest) associated with their college options.

奖学金 and financial aid are available; to be eligible, students should complete the FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible.  我们的 财政援助办公室 可以帮助.



作为年轻人, students are responsible for learning and taking full advantage of the resources JWCC offers. However, there are a few things parents can do to support students on this journey:

  1. Allow students the freedom to explore new ideas as well as previous interests.
  2. Encourage students to fully participate in classroom and extracurricular activities ——新的激情可能会在意想不到的地方被发现.
  3. Remind students that time management is crucial with less in-class time each week, 与学习的承诺相平衡, 集团项目, 工作见习, 以及新的社交和兴趣驱动活动的机会.
  4. Suggest students seek tutoring assistance right away for classes that are challenging.
  5. Reinforce the importance of 健康y choices regarding sleep, nutrition, exercise, and study habits. “All-nighters” may sound like a rite of passage for busy college students, 但这并不是一种有效的学习方式!
  6. Nudge students to coordinate with their advisor from the beginning of their time at JWCC. This is especially important if 你的 student plans to transfer to a four-year institution after JWCC! The advisor will help determine which associate degree is best for 你的 student’s goals, 列出课程时间表, 并制定个性化的beta365计划. 了解更多beta365JWCC转学的信息.
  7. Discuss 你的 expectations honestly regarding paying for college and related expenses, 以及工作表现和职业发展.
  8. 支持你的学生,但是 授权给他们 to take action to resolve issues, contact appropriate resources, etc. Learning to be self-sufficient and advocate for themselves rather than relying on parental involvement is essential to becoming an adult.

我的孩子正在考虑JWCC,然后是四年制大学. How do we navigate that process and get accurate information about transferring?

沟通是关键! Talk to both schools’ advisors about programs, deadlines, 奖学金, etc. 在JWCC, we work directly with transfer schools to customize degree plans to ensure students take the classes needed for their specific transfer school and program.

专业技巧: All four-year institutions have an admissions advisor who specializes in recruiting transfer students from other schools- especially community colleges. Connect with the transfer advisor to learn about the school’s specific transfer process, 奖学金, 截止日期和支持!


JWCC的全日制学费约为每学年5200美元. 对这意味着什么有一个现实的估计 你的 家庭,我们提供一个 工作表 to help summarize expenses and then subtract 奖学金 and financial aid. JWCC also has payment plans and loans to help resolve the balance. Many students and families that are able to “pay as you go” and graduate from JWCC debt-free. Students learn their exact cost when registering for each semester.

 JWCC的学生住在哪里? 有住房吗??

JWCC does 不 have housing; many JWCC students continue to live at home and commute to the campus. Students who choose to live on their own or need to move closer to campus find houses or apartment complexes on their own. Many students live in apartments on North 12th Street or at Ridgebrook Apartments at the intersection of 24th Street and Harrison. 


所有JWCC学分将被转移到其他学院, but it’s important to make sure that the classes you transfer out of JWCC are the exact classes to satisfy the requirements for 你的 particular school and program. JWCC advisors work directly with transfer schools to customize a degree plan to ensure students are taking the classes that fulfill the requirements of their specific transfer school and program.  


JWCC有学生支持项目,包括TRIO和Perkins. JWCC’s disability and accessibility office helps students in a number of ways. 除了, JWCC提供辅导, 探路者的连接, 食品储藏室, 咨询服务, 更多的是为了支持我们的学生. 我们还有一位退伍军人事务专家.

当学生高中毕业后继续住在家里, 这可能会给亲子关系带来额外的压力. This is a time for students to begin “adulting” and that transition is important even if 你的 student is still living with you. 这里有一些让路径更平滑的技巧:

  1. Do 不 tr吃 college as a continuation of high school; celebrate this milestone of beginning a new life chapter.
  2. 放松规则, 宵禁, and expectations from the high school years to acknowledge that the student should now be more independent. 这并不意味着没有规则, so clearly outline the expectations and limits that are essential for respectfully living as part of 你的 family.
  3. Expect 你的 student to take more responsibility for self-care, life tasks, and time management. 这意味着你应该 继续在早上叫醒他们, 帮他们洗衣服, 做每一餐, 安排他们的约会. 鼓励提高独立性.
  4. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 意识到在压力特别大的时候(比如期末考试), 你的 student may need more of the support you traditionally provided, 比如提供健康膳食.
  5. 清楚地说明谁将支付与大学有关的费用, 健康, 食物, 运输, 电话, 电脑及互联网接入, 服装, 以及其他的需要或欲望. 让你的学生参与财务讨论和预算.
  6. Students may feel disappointed they are 不 “going away” to college like some of their friends, so be prepared for those emotions and don’t take them as a personal reflection on 你的 relationship.
  7. Encourage 你的 student to spend time on campus meeting people 参与其中 in activities. Important learning opportunities take place outside the classroom!
  8. 如果你的学生除了上课之外还在工作, 意识到团队项目, 工作见习, 与教授会面, and studying should take up a significant amount of time outside of class. While 你的 student will technically be in class fewer hours than in high school, students will need to dedicate more time outside of the classroom to be successful.
  9. Help 你的 student establish a dedicated space to study effectively. This may mean redecorating their bedroom and/or repurposing a common space in 你的 home. 尊重成为一名成功学生所需的空间和时间.
  10. Clearly discuss expectations regarding privacy and keeping you informed of their schedule and whereabouts.
  11. 大学视学生为成年人, 所以即使你在付账单, the college will communicate directly with the student regarding grades, 账单, 还有其他信息. Discuss in advance what information 你的 student should share with you.
  12. Demonstrate interest in 你的 student’s classes and activities without trying to micromanage how and when they complete homework and projects. Do 不 contact professors regarding 你的 student’s performance – that is 你的 student’s job!
  13. Encourage 你的 student to take advantage of campus resources including tutoring, 学术/职业咨询, 心理健康服务.
  14. Expect 你的 student to make mistakes as they become more independent and take responsibility for their education and life – natural consequences are important lessons in becoming adults. Be supportive, but do 不 rescue students from the consequences of their decisions.
  15. Listen to 你的 student’s evolving perspectives respectfully with an open mind and encourage them to expand their world view through questioning, 个人成长, 以及社会意识.
  16. 和你的学生一起制定一个beta365JWCC之后的计划, 包括生活安排, 工作或四年制大学, 责任, 和费用.

Living at home doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the college experience. Embrace the opportunities for new experiences and exercise more independence while still living in peace with 你的 family. 下面这些建议会有所帮助:

  1. 参加俱乐部, 组织, 或者参加其他课外活动,认识更多的人. 参加迎新活动和其他校园活动.
  2. 有意识地尝试新事物(比如课堂话题), beat365平台, or club you haven’t done before) and meet people who are different than you and 你的 high school friends. Learning from and working with others, in and out of the classroom, is an essential part of college.
  3. 研究, 吃, and/or hang out on campus between or after classes – spending more time on campus enhances the college experience. If you are only on campus for 你的 classes (or 你的 classes are all online), 你会错过交朋友的机会, 小组学习, 参与其中.
  4. 完善你的时间管理技能——少上课不会 真的 意味着你有更多的空闲时间. 在学习之间找到一个健康的平衡, 工作见习, 锻炼, 社交活动, 校园活动, 还有家庭时间.
  5. Find the best place and situation for you to study without distractions, both at home and on campus. Do you study best with complete silence or quiet background music? 独自一人或在其他人也在学习的环境中?
  6. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance – catch up with 你的 professors during office hours, 与同学协调学习小组, and use tutoring resources as soon as you begin to struggle in any class. 过渡到大学水平的课程可能会很困难, 但有足够的支持来应对挑战.
  7. 焦虑感, 抑郁症, or being overwhelmed are 不 unusual as students transition to college and adulthood. Do 不 hesitate to reach out to the wellness resources on campus, 即使你觉得你的症状相对较轻.
  8. Many students living at home also work – be sure 你的 work schedule allows plenty of time for studying, 工作见习, 和你的同伴一起做小组项目.
  9. 什么对你重要?? Find an 组织 that supports a cause that is meaningful to you; volunteer for that cause if possible.
  10. Be respectful of 你的 parents, siblings, and other family members, as well as their needs. 及时沟通你的日程安排或家庭计划的变化.
  11. 要明白,放手对父母来说可能很难, 尤其是你们还住在同一屋檐下. Be patient and communicate honestly about challenges and expectations as you transition to adulthood.
  12. 虽然你作为学生的角色是一个重要的承诺, 记住,作为一个家庭的成年成员, you need to contribute to household tasks like cooking and cleaning.
  13. 机会是, you will continue to develop new perspectives from 你的 parents and older family members. 以一种建设性的、非评判的方式分享你所学到的东西.